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Getting Involved in Adult Ministries 

Here at Arlington Baptist Church, our ministries are where we all gather, grow in our faith journey, and lend a hand to each other. We’d be thrilled to have you join us! We believe that active participation in our ministries not only strengthens our church but also enriches our personal spiritual walk. If you are interested in joining any of our ministries or would like more information, feel free to reach out to us here. So, come on in, we’re excited to meet you and share these times of fellowship and worship together!

Men’s and Women’s Bible Study Groups: Growing Together in Faith

Each month, we gather for separate men’s and women’s Bible study groups. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to dive deeper into the Scriptures, engage in meaningful conversations, and build supportive friendships. No matter if you’re new to Bible study or have been exploring the Scriptures for a while, these groups offer a warm and enriching experience. And as a bonus, we also have snacks! It’s a welcoming environment for everyone to learn and grow together.

Sunday Services: A Time for Worship and Fellowship

Join us every Sunday as we gather to celebrate our faith through worship. Our services start with traditional worship music, followed by inspiring sermons that speak to our everyday lives. It’s a time to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with God and our church family.

Service Times
  • Main Worship Service  – Sunday 10:30AM
  • Sunday Evening Service  – Sunday 5:30PM

Midweek Services: A Midweek Spiritual Boost

Every Thursday, we come together for our midweek service. It’s a more intimate setting where we dive deeper into the teachings of the Bible, share our experiences, and support each other in prayer. This midweek gathering is a perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and find spiritual guidance in the midst of our busy lives.

Service Time:
  • Mid-Week Service  – Thursday 6:30PM